(3-4 Year Olds)

1:10 Teacher-to-Student Ratio (3 year olds)
1:12 Teacher-to-Student Ratio (4 year olds)

Online Assessments

Internet Cameras

Topics We Cover

Phonological Awareness  |  Mechanics of Writing |  Ability to tell a story  |  Geometry  |  Understanding Spatial Relationships  |  Self-Regulation   |   Conflict Resolution

At age 3 is when our curriculum begins an enhanced focus on literacy and language development. Activities are implemented to focus on expressive, receptive communication. Early reading is introduced that focuses on awareness of the alphabet, phonological awareness and reading comprehension. Early writing activities are implemented that focus on the mechanics of writing, ability to tell a story and creating simple lines, shapes and pictures. Below are a few milestones for 3 to 4 year olds:

  • Using the bathroom independently
  • Playing imaginatively
  • Using words like “but” and “and”
  • Naming at least four colors
  • Understanding size — knowing which is the small and which is the large object

In this preschool program, we begin to use an online assessment tool that’s designed to assess students in the early years, before they can read or write. The tool uses audio and visuals to gain insight into a child’s skill gaps. It is important to have valuable, reliable data to make this assessment. Our teachers are trained to use this data, not only as a form of assessment, but a lesson planning tool as well. Parental reports are sent from our preschool to keep you aware of your child’s development every step of the way. Learn more by contacting us today!